
Showing posts from January, 2025

universal human values

      Unit1 Course Introduction: Every human being has two sets of questions to answer for his/her life: a) What to do? and, b) How to do? The first set pertains to the value domain , and the other to the skill domain . Both are complimentary, but value domain has a higher priority. Today, education has become more and more skill biased , and hence, the basic aspiration of a human being, that is to live with happiness and prosperity, gets defeated, in spite of abundant technological progress.             “ This course discusses the role of human values in one’s family. It, very briefly, touches issues related to their role in the society and the nature.”   Course Objectives: The objective of the course is four fold: Ø   Development of a holistic perspective based on self-exploration about themselves (human being), family, society and nature/existence. Ø   Understanding (or deve...